

Degree-seeking Programs


2023 (111-2) Spring semester enrollment and timetable

Spring semester class begins: February 13, 2023

Online course registration (course selection information for current student only)

There are Three Phases of the course registration process: the first and second online course registration windows, and add/drop period & inter-school course registration.

enlightened1st phase:

Online courses registration window: from January 4, 11 am to January 9, 11 am (For whole school students to register); January 6 will announce the result.

Online course registration system: https://nsa.ntue.edu.tw/ 

1. Account: Student ID No.

2. Password: YYYYMMDD(Birthday)+MM(Month of Birth)+DD(Date of Birth) for foreign freshmen

enlightened2nd phase:

Online course registration window: from January 16, 11 am to February 2, 10 am; February 9 will announce the result.

enlightened3rd phase:

Online course- adding & dropping, Inter-school course registration: from February 13, 11 am to March 1, 12 am.

enlightenedManual Course Adding of Special Circumstances: From February 15 to February 22, 2022.


*Note: remember to sign in and select the corresponding semester, when visiting the system of online course selection.

iNTUE Online Class Selection Guide 

Course selection schedule and reminders for Academic Year 2022 Semester 2 


NTUE English Taught Course List:

2022 Spring English taught course list 

2021 Fall English taught course list 


Any questions please see (Division of Registration Curriculum)https://academicntue.ntue.edu.tw/p/412-1002-453.php 

Or download the related form:  https://academicntue.ntue.edu.tw/p/404-1002-5570.php